Welcome to my blog.
I will post random thoughts on occasion for your viewing pleasure. Ranging in subjects, from sports, travel, culture to history, science, and politics, this blog hopefully will be both entertaining and informative, and will inspire you to think. I often have my opinions on many subjects, but ultimately any rant I may or may not go off on is meant to make you question. The foundation of any good scientist is to question everything that doesn't make sense. If someone ever tells you there is no debate, but fails to answer your questions or worse purposely avoids answering them, then immediate skepticism is in order. Being skeptical is not a crime, and it should never be discounted. Most great inventions, discoveries, or revelations began with someone being skeptical. Someone decided to challenge the "scientific consensus", and in the process ended up revolutionizing the common perceptions of the world. It worked for Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.
"Don't buy the hype, think for yourself!" - GR Antunes
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