For those of you not following along, it was reported last week that The Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England was hacked and a zip file containing emails and data files was released to the world.
The story broke on many blog sites and main stream media outlets. Some very revealing emails have been made public, as well as some very suspect segments of code w/questionable comments by the programmer. The released data has been confirmed to be authentic by Prof Phil Jones, the director of the CRU. Various spins have been attempted by the AGW supporters trying to portray this as much ado about nothing.
A very interesting alternate theory as to how this large volume of information (all contained in ONE compressed zip file) was obtained and released has been proposed...Read Theory.
The whole situation was best summarized by Dr Roy Spencer, Ph. D (Climatologist, Author, and former NASA Scientist).
The shit storm just keeps growing, even reaching Fox News, as Supporters keep trying to spin, and the media try to run and hide...I seriously doubt this will be the end of the debate (as well it should not be) but it does allow me the opportunity to sit back like a Cheshire Cat in wild amusement.

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